Wednesday, April 06, 2005

So, the Jamie Oliver school dinners programme has had at least two positive effects.
OK, three if you wanted to hear how much Jamie swears. Because he does. A lot.

Meanwhile, back to the other two....

1. 50% of schools provide pupils with a meal costing no more than 37 pence.
2. 75% spend no more than 50 pence on their school meals.

That's 37p for ALL the ingredients on the dinner plate.

If you look at the total supplied price, the main meals provider, Scolarest (part of the Compass group) gets an average of 45p nationally for primary school dinners.

Scolarest, which supplies 1,400 state schools, wants 55p a day per child for food, compared with the average of 45p nationally for primaries.
but so far, the Govt. has not agreed more funds for school dinners.

UPDATE : Suddenly, The Govt. (Tony + a few sofa friends) suddenly found an extra £280million for school dinners. Wow. Fantastic !

Of course, that decision has nothing to do with plans Jamie revealed to the PM - that he was looking at options for standing against Tony Blair in his own constituency of Sedgefield; on a platform of campaigning for better school dinners, of course.

Apparently, these plans acquired authenticity when Martin Bell (ex independant MP, ex seasoned War Reporter) confirmed he had been approached by Jamie's team for advice.

Still, the kids are winners, Jamie is a winner. Tony Blair ?
He will know if he's a winner, come May 5th..........


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