Wednesday, October 27, 2004

John Peel. OBE.
John Peel has died and I am really saddened at this news.
I became a fan of John Peel and his music simply to enjoy listening to all that was avant garde in the pop and rock music world.
Personally, I did not share his enthusiasm for Punk music, but still looked forward to his commentary and insight. His unique genius was to ignore convention and play (and say) what seemed right to him at the time.

In recent years, we enjoyed his Home Truths programme on Radio 4 as a required start to the weekend. Now John has gone. His Radio 1 music progs, Radio 4 Home Truths and all those insightful television commentaries John made his own will never be the same again.

His wife and children must be devastated.
We are so sorry to have lost such a humble man, who was a musical giant, so early.
The initials I never wanted to see added to John Peel OBE just yet was R.I.P.

The world pauses, life goes on, a new star twinkles in the sky. So many platitudes.
But, for so many of us John Peel will never be forgotten. For me, I shall always remember John Peel as the man who will continue to Rock In his Perfumed garden.